Document Resources

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3 Bowel Cancer Screening Supporting primary care
Barts Health Head and Neck Cancer Triage Pathway
BHRUT Advance Care Planning Patient Leaflet
Bowel cancer patient recruitment flyer
Bowel screening FIT request form
Bowel screening non responders EMIS alert
Bowel Screening SystmOne Automated Alerts
Cancer Coach by Cancer Support
Cancer genetics referral criteria
Cancer genetics referral form
Cancer in the community programme
Cervical Screening Gain Frame Reminder Letter
Cervical Screening Loss Frame Reminder Letter
Early Cancer Diagnosis PCN DES and QOF Support Guide July 2024
Early Cancer Diagnosis PCN DES Quick Wins Checklist
Early Cancer Diagnosis PCN DES Quick Wins Checklist July 2024
Easy Read Cancer Screening Patient Leaflet
Education session: FIT in Primary Care, 7 December 2022 - slide pack
EUROPAC Referral Sheet
GP TLHC Slide pack July 2022
HSJ Cancer Forum 13 March 2024 NHSE National Cancer Update
Improving uptake in NHS Bowel Cancer Screening in North East London
Improving uptake of cervical screening in North East London
Lower GI flyer
Lung cancer awareness month 2022 campaign pack for GPs
Lynch syndrome article from Gastrointeestinal Nursing
Lynch Syndrome Quick Guide for GPs
Mile End EDC leaflet July 22
Modernising cancer standards one page summary
National Genomic Directory - Part 1
National Genomic Test Directory - Part 2
NEL Cancer Alliance Patient Leaflet - Improving local cancer services
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update April 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update December 2022
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update December/January 2024
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update February 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update February 2024
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update January 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update July/August 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update June 2022
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update June 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update March / April 2024
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update March 2022
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update March 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update May 2022
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update May 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update May/June 2024
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update November 2022
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update November 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update October 2022
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update October 2023
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update September 2022
NEL Cancer Alliance Primary Care Update September 2023
NHS Jewish BRCA Testing Programme Information for Health Care Professionals
Patient and carer representative recruitment flyer
PCN DES NEL Support Guide July 2023
PCN DES QOF Support Guide NEL January 2024
PCN DES QOF Support Guide NEL October 2023
PCN DES Support Guide NEL
PCVC Flyer - July 2022
PCVC Poster - July 2022
PCVC Social Media Banners - July 2022
Pharmacy Lung Cancer Awareness Patient Leaflet
Pharmacy Lung Cancer Awareness Posters
Prehabilitation services in north east London
Prostate Cancer Symptom Information and FREE PSA Kit
Stomach Cancer Symptom Leaflet
STTS lung cancer campaign posters for GPs
STTS Lung Cancer Diagnosis
Targeted Lung Health Check Privacy Notice
Targeted Lung Health Check Programme Update March 2024
The Mile End Early Diagnosis Centre FAQs April 2021
TLHC Frequently Asked Questions
TLHC GP guidance coronary calcification
TLHC GP infographic of patient pathway
TLHC Patient Recruitment Flyer
TLHC Update September 2023
You Need to Know leaflet: Bengali
You Need to Know Leaflet: English
You Need to Know leaflet: Gujarati
You Need to Know leaflet: Somali
You Need to Know leaflet: Urdu