Primary Care News

Access the latest North East London Cancer Alliance Primary Care Updates

May /  June 2024
  • Improving the Urgent Suspected Cancer Referrals process
  • Targeted Lung Health Check Programme update
  • Important update on the Multi Cancer Blood Test Programme
  • Cancer screening resource directory
  • Closure of Jo's Trust
March / April 2024
  • Cancer performance across north east London
  • Sarcoma hub and referral update
  • Improving the Urgent Suspected Cancer Referrals process
  • Bowel Cancer UK campaign
  • Skin cancer prevention video
February 2024
  • PCN DES support guide: a reminder
  • Breast screening in SMI ONEL (BHR only)
  • Personalised Stratified Follow Up for cancer patients
  • FIT in secondary care
  • New prostate cancer videos
December 2023/January 2024
  • PCN DES Support guide
  • Urgent suspected cancer referrals in e-RS
  • Top tips for urgent suspected urology referrals
  • Targeted Lung Health Check Programme update
  • Training modules to support urgent suspected cancer referrals
November 2023
  • RDC Update
  • North East London Cancer Alliance clinical leads
  • Increasing uptake of bowel screening
  • New soft tissue sarcoma hub and spoke services in London
  • Referring NEL patients into EUROPAC for pancreatic cancer surveillance
October 2023
  • Updated information on the new cancer performance standards
  • PCN DES guidance
  • Helping to improve cervical screening services
  • Improving the urgent suspected cancer referrals process
  • FIT in secondary care
September 2023
  • New cancer performance standards
  • GP compliance with LGI referrals having a FIT
  • Latest NHSE guidance on GP direct access
  • PSA update for Barts Health patients
  • Infopool: a new resource for prostate patients
July/August 2023
  • Early cancer diagnosis DES
  • Support for cancer patients provided by Maggie's at St Barts Hospital
  • Lynch Syndrome
  • National Cancer Patient Experience Survey results
  • Patient cancer awareness materials for GPs to use
June 2023
  • Suspected Cancer Referrals
  • A reminder: patient availability and recent bloods
  • IOTA (International Ovarian Tumour Analysis) ultrasound scanning
  • Targeted Lung Health Check update
  • Best cancer alliance 5-year survival rate for women with ovarian cancer
May 2023
  • 2ww referral forms
  • EMIS practices to associate the SNOMED code to the incoming FIT report
  • Reminder: IIF requirements for FIT testing
  • 2ww update: Head and Neck (Barts Health)
  • SUMMIT Study comes to an end
April 2023
  • New GP Chair for the cancer alliance
  • PCN DES - Early Cancer Diagnosis service requirements 2023/24
  • Urgent suspected cancer referrals - GP top tips
  • FIT age extension
  • Investment and Impact Fund FIT incentive for 2023/24
March 2023
  • New PCN facilitators
  • Addition of non-specific symptoms code to SNOMED CT dictionary
  • NHS cancer more cancer earlier than ever before
  • Awareness campaign for older people
  • Womb cancer awareness campaign
February 2023
  • Reminder about new 2WW forms
  • NHS bowel screening campaign
  • Targeted Lung Health Check update
  • Referrals for Non-Specific Symptoms
  • Patient Review following age adjusted reference changes to Pan-London Referral Guidance for suspected Prostate Cancer
January 2023
  • New 2WW referral forms
  • 2WW referrals update from Barts Health and BHRUT
  • Improvement to colorectal referrals
  • Targeted Lung Health Check Programme update
  • GP education resources on FIT, cervical and prostate
December 2022
  • Cervical Screening SMS Reminder Service: Code error
  • Upcoming changes to urgent suspected cancer (2 week wait) referral forms
  • Reminder about bloods and patient availability for 2ww patient pathways
  • Free mental health support for cancer patients
  • Important information for all primary care referrers regarding Urgent Suspected Cancer (2 Week Wait) soft tissue sarcoma referrals
November 2022
  • FIT - Impact Investment Fund – Lower GI Referral Payments for Practices
  • Improving the usage of FIT as a pre-diagnostic test in Primary Care
  • Education Session – FIT in Primary Care
  • Prostate cancer update from CRUK
  • Research study: exploration of GP and patient attitudes towards prescribing for managing low-risk non-specific symptoms
October 2022
  • CEG Cancer Toolkit
  • CRUK skin cancer guide
  • Network Contract DES: removal of the mandatory shared decision-making training requirement
  • Personalised Stratified Follow Up for Cancer Patients (PSFU): Remote Monitoring System Update (Barts Update)
  • Launch of National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2022 
September 2022
  • Support for PCN DES
  • Decommissioning of C the Signs
  • Reminder about bloods and patient availability for 2ww
  • Head and neck cancer pathway
  • Cervical SMS reminders read code error
July 2022
  • Targeted Lung Health Check
  • Community Links
  • Population Awareness Program across NEL 2022
June 2022
  • Targeted Lung Health Check
May 2022
  • C the Signs end of contract
  • Bowel screening text reminders
  • Cervical screening guidance for call and recall
March 2022
  • PCN DES - Early Cancer Diagnosis service requirements
  • Muslim Sisterhood
  • Cervical screening awareness campaign
  • Quality of life survey