Patient and Public Engagement Lead
The role of our Patient and Public Engagement Lead is to work in equal partnership with a diverse range of people affected by cancer in order to transform patient outcomes and quality of care. The Patient and Public Engagement Lead proactively engages with key stakeholders to understand and identify potential opportunities for generating improvements in patient experience and engagement. This includes identifying opportunities to work collaboratively with community partners (including the third sector), primary care, secondary care, public and patients to help shape healthcare services.
The North East London Cancer Alliance supports different projects and work programmes across three programme areas each year in accordance with NHS England aims and objectives. These areas are Early Diagnosis, Diagnosis and Treatment, and Personalised Care.
The Patient and Public Engagement Lead aims to recruit and embed patient and carer voices across all three programmes to ensure the patient and carer perspective is heard and represented when designing and implementing new projects. This includes the voices of our own Patient and Carer Voice in Cancer group, which meets on a regular basis to discuss and review topical developments and current service delivery across cancer care.
We have a group vision to increase our membership and diversity, and always welcome new member applications regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, LGBTQI+ identity, race, or religion.
In terms of patient experience, our Patient and Public Engagement Lead analyses, together with a Personalised Care Project Officer, patient feedback from a variety of sources within cancer care. These include the Quality of Life and National Cancer Patient Experience Survey’s to identify trends for improvement for us and our partners to focus on.
The Patient and Public Engagement Lead reviews which groups we are missing feedback from and works to connect with these groups so that their voices are represented and included.
We are always looking to widen our reach with regards to our engagement across north east London. If you are an individual, family member or carer affected by cancer or if you are an organisation or staff member working with people affected by cancer and would like to know more or be involved with our engagement work, please feel free to get in touch.
E-mail or call 07503 373533.