Over 10,000 free lung scans for patients

Our Targeted Lung Health Check team has now delivered over 10,000 CT scans and 25,000 telephone triages for local residents, as part of the Targeted Lung Health Check Programme (a free check of the lungs for 55-74 year olds who have ever smoked).

This is taking place so far in Barking & Dagenham, Tower Hamlets and Newham. Preparations are underway to extend the programme to Havering as the next borough (the order of boroughs is determined by smoking prevalence, along with IT integration).

Our uptake rate in north east London is one of the highest in the country and we are diagnosing around 65% of cancers at stage 1 or stage 2, which is what the programme set out to do.

Stephanie Uys, Clinical Director for the Targeted Lung Health Check Programme in north east London, explains: “The programme is already having a huge impact on the health and wellbeing of our local residents, and it is saving lives. Quite often, there are no symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage. However, if it is found early, treatment is much easier and more likely to be successful.

“So it is really important for people to come for their lung check even if they feel fit and healthy. A scan takes less than a minute and so far feedback has been very positive, with 95% of patients in north east London rating their lung health check experience as either ‘very good’ or ‘good’.

“We encourage everyone to have a scan when they are invited to, so we can save even more lives.”

A patient story

One life that has already been saved by the programme is Tower Hamlets resident, William Selden.

William attended his free lung check in October 2023 and, as a result, had a follow up scan in November which revealed stage 2 lung cancer. He then had keyhole surgery at St Bartholomew's Hospital, which was successful, and his latest scan has showed no cancer.

As part of his treatment, he was also offered prehab, which helps people with cancer to prepare for treatment by promoting healthy behaviours, through providing support with exercise, diet and mental health. William did a lot of physio sessions, even though he was very fit before this all started, and he had a very friendly and positive experience of working with the physio team and of his treatment overall.

William said: “Who would have thought that a trip to Asda would save my life! My first scan was in a van in a car park in Asda. The whole process was really quick and there was no pain. The staff were really good, and it only took about five minutes in total.

“Going through the cancer diagnosis, I was never scared. A friend of mine had had cancer the year before and she handled it pretty magnificently and wasn’t scared, so I wasn’t scared.

“I had my operation in January 2024 and my treatment at Barts Health was incredible. There was a really good atmosphere in the ward, lots of laughter and visitors so my experience in hospital was perfect. Now it is June 2024 and I’m almost fully recovered, and I am back cycling again.

“If you get a letter about going for a lung health check, just respond immediately as it really saved my life.”

Read William's story in full: https://www.nelcanceralliance.nhs.uk/trip-asda-saved-my-life 

What is a lung check?

A Lung Heath Check is offered free to people aged 55-74 who have ever smoked, as part of the national NHS Targeted Lung Health Check Programme. It finds out how well your lungs are working and aims to rule out any serious conditions. Often, early problems with the lungs do not cause any symptoms, so it is important to attend even if you are fit and healthy.

Most of the time nothing is found, but if there are any problems with how your lungs are working, such as cancer, finding out early can make treatment simpler and more successful.

A Lung Health Check also aims to promote healthier lifestyles with advice about stopping smoking.

How do I get a lung check?

Lung checks are by invitation only. Our Targeted Lung Health Check team will send out invites via letter. There are three parts to a lung check:

  • Your telephone appointment: a chat to decide if a lung check is right for you
  • A face-to-face appointment: to talk in more detail about your health and decide if a scan is right for you
  • A quick, low dose CT lung scan: if a scan is right for you, you will have this at the same time and location as your face-to-face appointment

More information

Find out more on our webpage or watch our animated video.