Cancer conversations and cakes at the Royal London Hospital
As part of a series of events for World Cancer Day, North East London Cancer Alliance partnered with Barts Health to run a cancer awareness session for both visitors and staff at The Royal London Hospital.
On Thursday 8 February, the team were on hand on the ground floor of the hospital to listen to questions, receive patient feedback and share life-saving information about cancer signs and symptoms, as well as promote the free national cancer screening programmes.
Staff from the cancer team at The Royal London Hospital had also baked some delicious cakes for the event to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Mark Warren, Group Director for Cancer and Diagnostics at Barts Health, said “We have done similar events before and we always find them worthwhile. It is surprising how people aren’t always aware of the free screening programmes in England, which help save lives. We are keen to do all we can to encourage uptake.
“It’s also great for us and the cancer alliance to work together in meeting our public face-to-face, so we can gather more feedback and continue to improve local cancer services. At Barts Health we are working hard to improve our performance and this is reflected in recent results, which show that more cancer patients are being diagnosed and treated more quickly.”
More events on the way
The cancer alliance team will be moving on next to run awareness events at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals, so keep an eye out for details on dates and times. If you have any ideas on how we can reach more of our local communities, please contact us.
In the meantime, if you want to find out more about cancer screening programmes, visit our webpage.