Personalised Care projects

Personalised Cancer Care Interventions (PCC):

Personalised cancer care (PCC) interventions should be offered to all of our patients across North East London. We continuously work with our health care professionals both within the acute services and in primary care to improve on the quantity and quality of these interventions. These PCC interventions will help meet patient’s changing holistic needs across the pathways; tailored to the individual.


The prehabilitation services across North East London are available for patients to help support patients get ready for their cancer treatment. It is a programme of support and advice that covers physical activity, mental well-being and dietary advice. This service can also help to reduce treatment side effects and cut down time spent in hospital.

Cancer Quality of Life (QoL) survey:

The QoL survey results are being used nationally to determine what support services are still needed for people affected by cancer. We have been working with our stakeholders around north east London to display posters and leaflets about the survey to alert people about the importance of completing it.

National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES):

The 2022 NCPES results are due out shortly and we will be working with our clinical partners to compare the results to the 2021 survey to see if any actions need to be taken to improve patient experience across north east London.

Stratified Follow-up and Remote Monitoring Systems:

Personalised Stratified Follow-up and Remote Monitoring Systems are initiatives to support cancer patients who are on a supported self-management pathway outside of traditional follow-up pathway. This reduces the need for patients to come into the hospital unnecessarily and allows patients to access test results and request support their hospital team when needed. 


We are working with our partners to ensure that appropriate psychological support is available to all people affected by cancer and their significant others. We are implementing our 2023/2024 Psychosocial Development Plan to address inequities across the system and improve psychosocial support for people across North East London.


We are continuing to work with our partners to ensure that the we raise the profile of lymphodema locally and nationally. We also support the current workforce and upskill our healthcare professionals to help with prevention of lymphodema and/or low risk patients.

Improving cancer journeys learning programme:

The aim is to increase access to practical, emotional and physical support for people diagnosed with cancer, and the people important to them, so they can stay in treatment and keep their lives on track. View a presentation to find out more.

Find out more

For more information, visit the Personalised Care Programme webpage. If you have a question, email the team at