What's the process?
Your doctor may recommend that you have further tests undertaken to find out what is going on, so that we can provide the right treatment for you. These tests will help us to rule out cancer in the majority of cases, and if any cancer is found then it is best to find it early as treatment is more likely to be effective.
You will be sent details directly of where and when your tests will take place, what you need to do to prepare and what the next steps are.
It is really important you follow all instructions and attend your appointment.
Our main cancer centres
- Barts Health; https://www.bartshealth.nhs.uk/cancer-services
- Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Trust; https://www.bhrhospitals.nhs.uk/cancer-services/
- Homerton University Hospital; https://www.homerton.nhs.uk/cancer-services/

Rapid Diagnostic centres
A Rapid Diagnostic Centre is a single point of access to cancer tests for all patients with symptoms that could indicate cancer. They are designed to speed up cancer diagnosis and improve patient experience.

Mile End Early Diagnosis Centre
Designed with input from patients, the centre provides a warm welcome in a relaxing setting to provide all our residents with access to vital health tests. It is set away from any urgent hospital activities and has its own dedicated entrance and reception area.

Keeping cancer services safe
Hear from patients and hospital staff about all the safety measures in place across north east London to keep cancer services running and to keep you safe. It's essential for people to keep their appointment. Versions are available in different languages.